Wednesday 14 November 2012


Hey guys, I'm Shawna, or Kuraaku as I normally prefer to go as.  ^_^

I've noticed a lot of really good Fashion Blogs floating around the internet lately, and thought, ya, I'd love to do that and so here I am.  

I'm rediculously into fashion, fashion photography, hair, and makeup.  Like many people, I don't like to stick to one particular style, or hair colour.  
One thing, I'm particularly proud of would be my hair and my makeup.  Although, I try different hair and makeup, I always keep it healthy, and when it doesn't I'll change that, I've made afew mistakes during the years but who doesn't.
Anyway, I'm rambling now, I thought I'd write about, and show where I get my inspiration from my tips on makeup, hair etc., and any other things I think of. :) 
So ya this is my introduction to my blog, hopefully I can update this often enough.  
Enjoy :)

Have a great day guys.
Kuraaku x

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